Knee Pain

Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Knee Pain treatment in Kansas City

Are you experiencing knee pain?


Knee pain can be caused by repetitive stress, poor movement patterns or trauma. Pain at the knee usually presents at the joint line, above or below the knee cap or on either side depending on the cause of injury. More often than not, poor hip or core stability may be the true cause of knee pain.

Possbile Treaments for Knee Pain

Active Release Technique

Acupuncture / Dry Needling


Patellar Tendonitis

Sharp pain below the knee, weakness, leg giving out? Patellar tendonitis or tendinopathy is a condition where the patellar tendon bcome inflamed. This is most often due to repitive strain from hip flexor / quad tension and muscular imbalance / weakness in the hips and legs.


Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Sharp pain, swelling and weakness above the knee. This is often a cause of patellofemoral pain syndrome. This is often cause by assymetries in the hips / legs and poor stability in the hip that leads to tracking issues in the kneecap. This poor tracking can cause inflammation and swelling.

IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome, a common condition in both endurance runners and cyclist is characterized by tightness and compression in the lateral thigh down to the knee. Excessive tightness in the IT band is typically a result of poor stability and weakness in the glute medius during walking, running or cycling.


Symptoms of Knee Pain Can Include:

  • Sharp pinpoint pain

  • Weakness

  • Knee giving out

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Deep, dull ache

  • Pain with walking, runnning or cycling

  • Pain with squatting

  • Pain going up or down stairs

  • Swelling around the kneecap

Contact us.

If you would like to speak with us about if treatment is right for you, please contact us. It is our goal to make you feel more comfortable when choosing your health practitioner.